Wednesday, February 21, 2007

New Computer

One reason for my recent long absence from my blog was a tedious computer problem. Explorer kept vanishing from my screen. It was inexplicable...and a royal pain in the ass—e.g., right in the middle of typing a blog entry and...poof...all gone.

I'm sure a technical reason lurked somewhere under the covers but I chose not to invest the time to investigate.

Instead, I opted to buy a new tower. They're so relatively cheap these days it was simpler to add the tower to my station. Of course, I had to buy an A/B switch so I could toggle back and forth between my old and new computers. That plus a 60 GB external drive and a memory stick also are helping with my migration from my old to new tower.

When that's done, I'll reformat the hard drive of the old computer and rebuild it. While I usually give my old computers to a relative, I may hang onto this one to test out ideas for my career in software development.

That said, check out this contrast:
  • old PC: 40 GB hard drive
  • new PC: 100 GB hard drive

The key for me is not the hardware itself but what it'll do for me—saving me time instead of eating up my time. Though a hardcore technician, I keep crystal clear this distinction: technology serves man, not the other way around.

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