Monday, June 18, 2007

Paul Potts

Have you heard of Paul Potts yet? If not, check this out. What a story! What a talent!


Barry said...

Holy CRAP! Thanks so much for posting that!

Dennis said...

A few days have passed since I learned of Paul Potts and his amazing story. I still find myself able to listen to his performance of Nessun Dorma and be moved to chills and/or tears.

I don't know about you but I never heard of Nessun Dorma until Mr. Potts' performance. Un-freakin'-believable!

m said...

Nessun Dorma is from the opera Turandot. It is an amazing opera. you should see it sometime.
nessun dorma always has an emotional pull.

SecFox HQ said...

Nessun Dorma is one of my all-time favorite opera tunes! Mr. Potts does an amazing job. He sings, "I Shall Win!"...and he did!